Winter Wonderland @ Windrock……..#WWW
What is WWW?? To tell the story we must go back to a frigid weekend in 2021. Venture Unknown hosted a 26 rig ride at our favorite home park …. Windrock! That weekend was filled with us wheeling with some amazing folks. The beauty of the snow covered trails stood out as we meandered around the mountains. Sean looked over at his wife/copilot Michelle and said “WOW IT LOOKS LIKE A WINTER WONDERLAND” #www2021

The next year 2022 VU created a ride officially dubbed Winter Wonderland and so it was born!!! And yes it snowed!!! That year it unexpectedly grew from a 26 rig ride to a full blown 176 rigs/250 VU member event! This moved the event from the primitive camping area over to the 20 acre event area @ Windrock. Remember all this was never intended ….. So it was now time to make this thing something special.. Sean reached out to sponsors, created educational workshops, formed captains for team rides, began the veteran/first responders raffle, hosted a huge general raffle and the WWW chili cookoff became a yummy mainstay!! The event allowed VU to donate $1000 to Tread Lightly! #www2022
This year it grew exponentially and guess what? It snowed again!! Our members loved the previous year and it showed by how it grew this year!! 276 rigs were distributed among 23 teams, the chili cook off included trophies, prizes, and the workshops grew to 13!! Over 50 sponsors not only donated to the raffles….They came to ride !! The Veteran raffle was so well sponsored almost every Veteran and first responder in attendance received a prize. The chili chefs came with not only the very best chili recipes you can imagine…..They came to ride! After all, the team rides are at its core where the real fun happens! We hosted a food drive this year that literally broke the county's food drive donation record. This is just one of many ways a community that cares, shares. VU believes community is wherever you are!
This was the year we learned the sentiment…. quality over quantity. Did we manage ??? Yes. Was it the craziest thing most of us had experienced?? Absolutely !! Each year we strive to learn and make this event better every year! Southern Four Wheel Drive Association was our chosen charity this year and was able to donate $1000 to their mission. #www2023


Oh boy …. 2024!! Dare I say the best one yet!! We made some changes. The event was extended to 4 days and this year we purposely capped the event at 200 rigs. Approximately 300 VU members were in attendance to not only tackle the 73000 acre park in the dead of the Tennessee Winter but also to partake in the returning workshops, night rides, and of course the 3rd annual chili cook off!! 20 teams were captained by some of the most experienced folks in the region and led through the 311 mile trail system. No man was left behind with the TORX Fab recovery team at the helm! A flex ramp competition was added this year and was a great way to spend the Sunday morning. Oh did I mention we were graced by the best BBQ food truck known to man …Our very own Kyle Bryner brought the magic of Blue Hound BBQ to WWW this year and brought smiles to all our faces and stomachs. All 97 veterans in attendance walked away from the raffle with a prize this year thanks to Rhino USA and Battlebuddy Rallypoint!! This year the newly found grassroots Venture Unknown Foundation was the charity supported and we were able to donate $3700 to their cause of stewardship. This years food drive broke our previous year's donation by giving tons of non perishables and hygiene items to the city of Oliver Springs.
This was the year we were told by many…..BEST EVENT EVER!!! #www2024
We will return!! The story will continue!! Do you want to be a part of the fun ? We always need volunteers, sponsors, and inspiration to make this event the best, most cold, off roading event in the Southeast!! After all it's the PEOPLE that make this work!!! #www2025
If interested in partnering with us in anyway please complete form below or email us at
info@venture-unknown.com with subject line "Partner Request".